Ø Beginners should always start their training with machines, because machines provide correct
range of motion to the muscle and hence protect
from any kind of injury.
Ø Spot reduction is impossible. it means neither gaining nor reduction can be
done on a particular area of our body.
Ø E-Z curl bar provides ergonomically better
position than straight bar, during biceps curls.
Ø For inclined bench press, the bench
should be positioned at 30 degrees from the horizontal.
Ø For declined bench press, the bench
should be at 15 degrees declined position from the horizontal.
Ø Exhale, during the positive phase of
repetition and inhale during the negative phase of repetition.
Ø Most flexible as well as unstable
joint of our body is shoulder rotator cuff joint (gleno-humeral joint).
Ø R.I.C.E treatment processes should be done only for
first 48 to 72 hours of injury.
Ø Antioxidants are the
best solution to look young.
Ø There are two most injury prone
joints in human body
1. Spine
2. Shoulder rotator cuff